Sr. Aquatic Systems Engineer, Drew Tubb will be presenting a workshop on Value Engineering at the 20th annual Aquatic Animal Life Support Operators (AALSO) Symposium in Las Vegas March 16-19, 2014. Integrated Aqua Systems will also be exhibiting at the conference, please be sure to stop by booth #202 and spend some time with us.
Value Engineering Workshop – Abstract
In the construction industry, the value engineering (VE) phase of project development typically occurs as projects move from their initial design to the construction documentation phase. Within the world of aquatic systems, we have found that many interpret value engineering exclusively as an exercise in which aspects of a project are cut to lower the bottom line cost. In reality, the true purpose of value engineering is to fundamentally improve the overall value of the project. We will discuss areas to consider which increase system function without increasing dollars spent, or decrease dollars spent without sacrificing overall system functionality.