With the successful completion and operation of a new state-of-the-art filtration, disinfection and chilling system at the American River Trout Hatchery in Rancho Cordova, incubating trout and salmon eggs now have a safe haven from elevated source water temperatures and disease pathogens. As a result of the State of California's historic drought, elevated water temperatures threatened critical hatchery egg incubation and juvenile rearing efforts in the 2014-2015 seasons. The new system upgrades designed, built, supplied and commissioned by IAS and project partner Aquacare in Spring 2015 provides reliable clean, filtered and disinfected water that the State of California can depend on despite unpredictable source water conditions.
The project design features a new HEX™ microscreen drum filtration system for 1,800 gpm flow, tandem Aquafine/Trojan UV sterilizers for disinfection rate of 318mJ/cm2 at 900 gpm and a total of 260 tons of chilling capacity.