Project Description:
The new $3.5 Billion Baha Mar Resort is a spectacular, world class destination resort located in Nassau, Bahamas. IAS provided INTEGRATED™ filtration systems for each of the four, 4,000 gallon quarantine systems and commercial protein skimmers for the saltwater tropical exhibit pool.
The custom INTEGRATED™ Filtration Systems (IFS) were each rated for 90 gpm and designed to filter four (4), 4,000 gallon capacity each saltwater quarantine tanks. The intent of the tanks is to quarantine new specimens prior to introduction into the main 175,000 gallon exhibit tank, as well as provide space for ongoing quarantine and medical treatment once the exhibit tank is up and running. The exhibit tank will display sharks, sea turtles and tropical ornamentals.
Our IFS units include Sparus filter pump with Hitachi VFD, a 36” PermaBead filter, dual 120 Watt Emperor UV’s with low flow protection and a 9KW water to water heat exchanger for temperature control. All water from our skid supplies a 2’ diameter x 10’6” deaeration/biotower media. Water from the deaeration tower supplies the quarantine tank by gravity.